Mobile applications are now days considered as lifeline of human race. From calculation to the management of finances, from Music applications to create your music apps/songs and from clicking a perfect picture to edit the image using different modes are possible through mobile applications. Since the introduction of mobile application by various companies around the world for different platforms like Java and Symbian has led to billion dollar industry but in recent years the introduction of mobile store, where user can find various applications which will run on mobile as per their needs for windows phone, android phone and in Apple store. The mobile app for Android in December 2016 was 2.6 million apps whereas, in January 2017, around 2.2 million mobile apps were available to download for various iOS devices. In Microsoft store, about 850,000 apps in the Windows Store were there. These staggering figures show that mobile application around the world has become a lifeline to users for different use.
Patent mobile applications are same as of software patents except that they run on a mobile hardware and interacting with various users. Now the important question here arises that can we get a patent on mobile applications.
Criteria for getting mobile Application Patents: A patent for any mobile application patented around the world, need to fulfill the basics criteria, which are:
Novelty :
The invention must be novel and for that, verify that there are no prior patents on an invention same or similar invention. A patentability report based on prior art or a patent search will confirm the novelty of patent applications. The invention should not be anticipated, i.e. published anywhere before or available in some other public forum of display or use.Obviousness :
Inventive step is a crucial step, which means there has to be an element of innovation in your invention. An inventor cannot get a patent for mobile applications for an obvious invention.Needs to have utility :
It includes capable of an industrial application so that invention has some features of being useful even. In the United States, the patent has become a method of protection for software or mobile application. A patent is an exclusive right granted to an inventor for an invention, which comprises of either a product or process. The invention must follow the patentability criteria which includes novelty, non-obviousness, and utility. The United States patent office have been granting patents to the computer implemented inventions or software related inventions based on the technical solution provided to the technical problem, known as the “technical character.” The U.S. patent statute section 101, broadly defines patent-eligible subject matter as “any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter” and any improvements. But investors cannot patent laws of nature, natural phenomena, or abstract ideas. In 2014, the US Supreme Court in Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank International decided essential guidelines for determining patent eligibility for software.The two-test for patent eligibility on abstract ideas is to identify :
- Whether the patent claim contains an abstract idea, such as an algorithm, method of computation, or another general principle; if not, the claim is potentially patentable.
- Whether the patent claims embodies an “inventive concept.”